How To Reduce The Effects Of Radiation?
Radiation has been listed by the World Environmental Protection Organization as one of the four major world environmental pollution problems after water pollution, air pollution, and noise pollution. Radiation is a very lethal threat to the earth on which we live. Generally speaking, radiation can be divided into two categories: non-ionizing radiation and ionizing radiation.
Due to its low energy, non-ionizing radiation common in daily life does not require special precautions. For example, visible light, infrared rays, radio waves, mobile phones, TVs, computers, microwave ovens, etc. all produce non-ionizing radiation. As long as these electrical equipment are used normally, they will not affect your health, and there is no need to deliberately “protect against radiation”.
Ionizing radiation has high energy and can cause harm to the human body at sufficient intensity. Nuclear fuel, radionuclides, X-ray detectors, medical imaging examinations, tumor radiotherapy, etc. are the main artificial sources of daily ionizing radiation.
In order to prevent the occurrence of radioactive accidents, the trefoil-shaped ionizing radiation symbol is commonly used around the world. The signs are generally affixed to the outer packaging of radioactive materials, radiation devices, and workplaces where ionizing radiation is present. If you see the ionizing radiation sign, you must stay away from the relevant place or take personal protection.
How to effectively protect against radiation?
The only known heavy metals that can absorb and protect radiation to a certain extent are lead and other heavy metals. Professionals must wear professional lead clothing when entering nuclear-contaminated areas, and the walls of the hospital’s radiology department are also equipped with thick lead sheets.
Stable iodine prevents the body’s thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive iodine. Take stable iodine tablets before and after exposure to nuclear radiation. Stable iodine can occupy the thyroid gland first and saturate the thyroid gland, thereby reducing the damage to the thyroid gland caused by radioactive “iodine-131” produced by nuclear radiation. However, stable iodine can only protect the thyroid gland and cannot protect other parts of the body.
And eating iodized salt does not prevent nuclear radiation. Because the amount of stable iodine contained in iodized salt is too small, it is far less than the amount required to prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland. Our country stipulates that the iodine content of every kilogram of table salt is 20 mg to 30 mg (calculated as iodine element); the recommended iodine dosage for adults in a nuclear accident is about 100 mg. The iodine content in 3 kilograms of table salt is equivalent to the iodine content in 1 iodine tablet. It is obviously unrealistic to eat salt like this.
“Potassium iodide” is a therapeutic drug, not a health product. Do not take too much potassium iodide because you are afraid of radiation, which may cause thyroid dysfunction. Products on the Internet that claim to have “radiation protection” functions are actually health products and dietary supplements. etc., its iodine and potassium content is very small. Other experts said that the nuclear-contaminated water discharged by Japan contains more than 60 radionuclides, and iodine tablets can only be used to prevent the human body from absorbing radioactive iodine, and have no effect on other radionuclides. In the case of a nuclear accident, iodine tablets are required only when the expected dose reaches 50 millisieverts within 7 days. There is no need to take iodine tablets for radioactive contamination of seafood caused by nuclear-contaminated water.
There are countless shops selling “radiation protection” glasses, umbrellas, hats, scarves, clothes, and stickers. There is a radiation protection sticker imported from Japan, with sales of more than 3,000 pieces. It cannot protect against nuclear radiation, but can only weaken electromagnetic radiation to a certain extent. Most of them can be packed by Shrinkwrap packing machine or Flow Wrapper Machine    Get a Quote
Recently, “nuclear radiation detectors” have also become a hot-selling product, most of which cost a few hundred yuan. From the product description, this type of portable detector is suitable for radioactive detection on object surfaces or in air and water. However, the portable radioactivity detectors sold online have large performance limitations and cannot detect radionuclides in nuclear-contaminated water. Therefore, they are not universal detectors. They are usually packed in small boxes with automatic cartoning machines. Get a Quote
Recently, “nuclear radiation detectors” have also become a hot-selling product, most of which cost a few hundred yuan. From the product description, this type of portable detector is suitable for radioactive detection on object surfaces or in air and water. However, the portable radioactivity detectors sold online have large performance limitations and cannot detect radionuclides in nuclear-contaminated water. Therefore, they are not universal detectors.
Are anti-radiation coatings effective? Currently, there is a radiation-proof high-tech patented product on the market, radiation-proof paint. This kind of paint is environmentally friendly, can absorb and purify electromagnetic waves, and ensures the purity and health of human living space. But this kind of paint is not common in the market, nor is it affordable to ordinary people.
According to surveys, most of the mobile phone radiation protection products currently on the market use metal to shield electromagnetic waves. The design principle of these products is to build a metal barrier between the mobile phone and the human body, trying to reflect the electromagnetic waves back so that they cannot get close to the human body. However, contrary to expectations, metal cannot absorb and transform electromagnetic waves. Its reflection will cause a secondary return flow of electromagnetic waves, increasing the intensity of the magnetic field around the electromagnetic radiation waves, thereby increasing the amount of radiation injected into the human body.